CQC (Care Quality Commission), for good reason, publish the results of their inspections on their website. This means that it’s available for all to see and use – including media. Whilst you may pass the inspection with areas highlighted for improvement, something that is easily remedied may mean adverse publicity for your practice.
Although CQC does not regulate businesses in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, the principles can be used on a voluntary basis to provide a framework to promote best practices across health and social care settings.
We understand how important infection control is to your service and will work in partnership with you to help you achieve the best outcome possible.
For some businesses, meeting and maintaining the standards CQC require can be daunting.
GCC has considerable experience in helping CQC registered businesses meet their Outcome 8 (infection control and prevention of cross-contamination) obligations.
All GCCs cleaning operatives are trained in NHS Colour Coded Cleaning and we can include your CQC Guidelines (provided by CQC) in the cleaning specification along with Weekly Cleaning Audit Sheets so that you can evidence that these are being carried out and how often.
If you would like more information on how we can help please click here and we will be happy to arrange an on-site visit and quotation.
Further information on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and how it affects you can be found at https://www.cqc.org.uk/.