Not many businesses put that much thought into commercial cleaning, something that often comes back to haunt them. As a business owner, you always stand to gain a lot more by having a clean office.

Not only does a neat and tidy office space look more visually appealing, but it also makes a good impression on clients that visit your premises. Consequently, a clean office is often more conducive to profitable outcomes.

Although hiring a reliable and experienced office cleaning professional looks like the best route to follow, sometimes you simply need to get the job done yourself. If you do require commercial cleaning, then check out GCC’s office cleaning in London services.

The Mental and Physical Impact of Having a Clean Office on Your Employees

Even science backs the significant impact that having a clean and tidy office has on employees’ attitudes and emotions. It makes complete sense that employee happiness and productivity improve when working in a clean, tidy, and comfortable environment.

Clean workspaces promote focus, productivity, and joy, which every employee needs to be more productive. It also promotes better overall health and boosts employee and client morale.

Keeping things clean in the office is critical for the clarity of the organisation and employees’ mental wellness. Below are some clever tricks on how to clean an office and how you can make it more appealing and usable:

Office cleaning: Best Practices That Your Office Should Use

1. Use eco-friendly cleaning and finishing products where possible

Using green cleaning products not only reduces the overall environmental impact of cleaning chemicals, but it also promotes a healthier work environment for your employees. People occupying the premise during cleaning won’t be exposed to toxic chemical emissions either.

2. Disinfect toilets

Most businesses don’t often prioritise toilet cleaning when it comes to ensuring a healthy and hygienic environment. However, the toilet area should be on top of your cleaning list. This is usually a high-traffic area. Thus, the reason to keep it cleaned and disinfected regularly. Clean the handles , taps, washbasin, floor, and toilet both inside and out and including the seat. Don’t forget splashes on mirrors and tiles and pay particular attention to the wall or surface underneath soap dispensers and hand dryers.

This is especially true for companies that have shared toilets with clients too. In that case, it’s best practice to clean your toilet facilities several times a day.

3. Sanitise the kitchen area

The kitchen area is one of the dirtiest places in an office. Office kitchens are generally shared workspaces, which makes it difficult to keep clean if your employees don’t chip in.

You’ll always find stubborn stains, spills, and leftover foods on the countertops that need cleaning. Your office kitchen can quickly become a disease-infected area if not cleaned regularly.

Here are some of the best practices to consider:

– Have a clean as you go policy, everyone cleans up after themselves each time they use the kitchen

– Clean dust from countertops

– Remove grime and stubborn stains from the corners of the stove

– Keep the dishes clean every time

– Thoroughly clean the sink and cupboards

You can also train your employees to maintain these cleaning aspects of your office kitchen to maintain cleanliness in that sensitive area.

4. Mop the floor

This is another critical office cleaning aspect that you cannot ignore. Mopping the floors thoroughly and regularly not only makes it look neat and clean, but it also keeps your workspace hygienic.

5. Declutter papers

Having piles of loose receipts, files, documents, and notes is the biggest culprit when dealing with office cleaning. A messy office desk not only looks annoying but can also affect your employees’ working efficiency.

In contrast, an organised workspace makes work simple in the office. It may look simple, but it’s the one cleaning process that most people overlook, and it affects overall business performance.

6. Clean up the workstation

As already mentioned, the efficiency, focus, and dedication of your employees depend heavily on their working environment. Therefore, you must strive to ensure that you provide a clean and conducive workspace for your workers to be productive. This also maintains a healthy office atmosphere.

Train your employees to follow these rules when in the office:

– Compile all loose papers into drawers

– Store office accessories when not in use

– Eat and drink only in specified areas

– Each employee must clean their desk weekly

– Introduce cleaning activities like using the dustbin to keep work surroundings clean and encourage recycling stations

7. Clean computer hardware systems

Computers and keyboards are also known to attract a lot of dust and dirt particles in the office. Germs and bacteria that are lodged on these devices come into direct contact with the body when used, and can cause a lot of sick leaves. This can significantly affect office productivity and quality of work.

Always keep your computers, keyboards, and other hardware systems cleaned and disinfected.

This includes telephones which harbour a multitude of germs.

8. Outsource a professional cleaning service

Often, this is the preferred option for many businesses. Hiring a professional cleaning company allows your employees to focus on the core objectives of your business, leaving the cleaning to the specialists.

Rarely Cleaned Areas in the Office

Even offices have hidden spots where mops and brushes hardly touch. These areas are the perfect hiding spots for dust, dirt, and germ infestations. If not cleaned, then your office may be prone to more illnesses and sick leaves.

Some of the commonly overseen spots when cleaning the office include:

– Water coolers

– Fridges

– Kitchen and toilet cabinets

– Under the sink

– Keyboards

In most instances, people seem to forget about these areas, which aren’t always too difficult to clean and disinfect. A brush, sponge, and soapy water should get the job done. You may also need a disinfectant for toilet cabinets, sinks, and computer keyboards.

Cleaning Outside Spaces of the Office

It’s not uncommon for offices with neat and clean workspaces to completely neglect to do the same for the outside environments. Outside areas like car parks, pathways, and signage can also tell a lot about how your business values itself.

Ensure, therefore, that you clean your windows, car parks and signage regularly. This prevents pollution, auto-exhaust, grime, and tree leaves from cluttering around your business.

Wrapping Up

As a business owner, having a neat, clean, and organised workspace ensures that you get the most out of your employees. Besides improving your office’s visual appearance, regular cleaning also promotes better hygiene, happy employees, and an overall boost in production. This guide touches on all aspects of how to clean an office building and should have you covered.