All too often business managers struggle to achieve maximum productivity from their staff. Sometimes this can result in a lethargic and “can’t be bothered” attitude in the workplace, in other cases it can lead to increased sickness levels. After all, who would want to go to an office they find boring rather than snuggling back under the duvet or enjoying the fleeting British summer?

Here are 5 easy ways office cleaning can boost productivity …

  1. An office cleaned on a regular basis can help cut down on employee sick days by offering a germ-free working environment. GCC offer NHS Colour Coded Cleaning to meet CQC standards for all our clients, not just those in the healthcare sector.
  2. Not only does a clean office have a positive impact of staff but also on potential clients. If you have to have a massive tidy up ahead of a prospective client visit or cringe when you notice a grubby area, then imagine what’s going through your prospect’s mind.  So often a deal can be made or broken by the impression a company visit can make. If your staff are working happily in a clean and tidy environment then it gives a positive impression of the service you are likely to deliver.
  3. A grubby and grimy workplace can affect staff morale as well as being a health hazard. Often it’s the same members of staff who clear up after others, causing resentment and petty squabbles taking focus away from the purpose of your business. By turning your office into an inviting place to work each morning you will have employees eager to arrive at work and be more productive.
  4. Keeping equipment clean is often overlooked. Not only should communal equipment control panels be sanitised regularly (photocopiers, printers, fax machines, etc) to maximise infection control. Also all electrical equipment should be dry dusted regularly to help prevent over-heating and a possible fire hazard.
  5. Does your office look like a bomb has just gone off? Clutter causes stress, trying to find items that “you know must be here somewhere”, particularly when up against deadlines, is a waste of valuable time. Productivity comes from happy employees working in organised areas.

All of the above are very easy to implement and by employing a contract cleaning company you are passing the hassle onto someone else and can leave you to focus on your business.